27 views Dec 22, 2023
12 percent Rotten Tomates. The Full Review: Thanks to sluggish direction by Neon Dusk and a screenplay by three entire people who fail to display the focused writing talent of even one, this is a slogfest from beginning to end. This quiet and slow-paced drama won't appeal to everyone or...actually ANYbody. However, viewers who have the patience to watch the entire movie will see an interesting awakening in the protagonist, who has to learn to get out of her head and experience more of life.
I have seen high school productions with better (and more professional) acting.It's mind-numbingly brilliant in its overwhelming, soul-destroying badness.
Next full moon Have a picnic with me?
Music: In order of appearance:
-Grateful Dead - "Not Fade Away" May 15, 1981 Rutgers Athletic Center - Piscataway, NJ for Grant
-David Bowie - "Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)" (2017 Remaster) for neon dusk intro and slide-show ending
-David Bowie -"Fashion" for N & J
-Jack Nitzsche - "Charmaine" from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. For Gabby who was also winner of THE BEST DIVE competetion.
-Gregor Quendel__rachmaninoff-polka-italienne-italian-polka-tn-ii-21-arranged-for-strings-Da Boss Joe
Dusk: Using a Hero 4 GoPro and iPhone. Movavi, Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro. Aug. 27 2023 an attempted family reunion. Too much cheap filter exploitation but I had to get it out of my system.
This movie was a journey into digital art where I learned how dark my eye is. The screenshots are framable. 'nuff said.