Cream OR jelly?

What a blend of creativity from both ends audio and video. This is what it should be ---FUN___ Once I discovered that Zoom slider hidden on the bottom of the interface my precision and productivity at least doubled. Movavi is incredible editing software with NO LAG TIME on previews. Kind note here...remember that everything you place in the hold box before editing is linked (they never warn you) so be very careful with file placement and especially movement that will break a link or two. Take my word for it. Sucks.
When finally put together as one, Cream OR jelly? 200 megs over a gig as a .MOV file! Handled it like a charm and Movavi even has a smooth launching pad directly to YouTube.
I get into alot of conversations about family of course and "nine siblings" has rarely been beat nor the joke: "That's how I learned to dance.
Waiting for the bathroom."
And the classic: We grew up screaming and choking each other but now that we're all in separate states, we all get along great.
Ha Ha Ha
Me: That's it folks. Thats all I got. The jokes are over (now shut the fuck up and let me..........)
Later on that evening....
Me: You notice how the top of the trees turn orange and the birds stop singing?
The Others: {shrugging playfully} What the fuck you talking about?
The Wizard of Oz scene was recorded July 2, 2008, as was the strike out scene.
The Can Can scene was un-mailable, & was even too big for the drop box. So I recorded it from Barbs phone to my phone huddled in a corner of Belindas kitchen. This was the last time we would ever be in this kitchen. This backyard. This house. I guess what Im trying to say is where does the time go?
This is what the End Crawls says:
Concept and Creation
Neon Dusk Productions
Music: During the almost 14 year rein of THE MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE the opening musical number "Tara's Theme" by Max Steiner.
The second part of movie- The Art Installation 121 Whitman Street featured "The Blimp" by Captain Beefheart with Frank Zappa.
The Forest Clip with Gary used a Dead & Company "Space" from Saratoga Springs New York, the Summer of COVID after the vaccine. I think.
"Can Can" The song is from the final act of Offenbach"s 1858 operetta Orpheus In The Underworld. The operrtta is a satire about Greek mythology and "Galop Inferral" is set during a wild party with the gods.
I almost forgot, the multi-screen collage in the beginning I used the opening scene to The Grateful Dead Movie 1976 (?) and of course the audio to 10 different movie clips at the same time.
The closing theme: "Rumble" by the genius Jack Nitzche 1963.
Most of the photos were just randomly selected so if I missed anybody (turns out Gene Kaufmann)too f'in bad. There's so many of you.
Carol Dooley once told me a very long time ago; You're mother and father really knew what they were doing when they had so many kids"----I had no idea what she was talking about then but now to see it all play out is pretty amazing.
ALSO: when chimming HAPPY NEW YEARS at the end we ask that you please try to stay awake. Blake.
The release date/time for this movie was five hours and thirty minuets to the year 2025.
Peace and Love
to everyone
Over and Out!
neon dusk

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Possum ‘N Pepper

27 views Dec 22, 2023
12 percent Rotten Tomates. The Full Review: Thanks to sluggish direction by Neon Dusk and a screenplay by three entire people who fail to display the focused writing talent of even one, this is a slogfest from beginning to end. This quiet and slow-paced drama won't appeal to everyone or...actually ANYbody. However, viewers who have the patience to watch the entire movie will see an interesting awakening in the protagonist, who has to learn to get out of her head and experience more of life.
I have seen high school productions with better (and more professional) acting.It's mind-numbingly brilliant in its overwhelming, soul-destroying badness.
Next full moon Have a picnic with me?
Music: In order of appearance:
-Grateful Dead - "Not Fade Away" May 15, 1981 Rutgers Athletic Center - Piscataway, NJ for Grant
-David Bowie - "Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)" (2017 Remaster) for neon dusk intro and slide-show ending
-David Bowie -"Fashion" for N & J
-Jack Nitzsche - "Charmaine" from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. For Gabby who was also winner of THE BEST DIVE competetion.
-Gregor Quendel__rachmaninoff-polka-italienne-italian-polka-tn-ii-21-arranged-for-strings-Da Boss Joe

Dusk: Using a Hero 4 GoPro and iPhone. Movavi, Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro. Aug. 27 2023 an attempted family reunion. Too much cheap filter exploitation but I had to get it out of my system.
This movie was a journey into digital art where I learned how dark my eye is. The screenshots are framable. 'nuff said.

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Jonny Boy

In more ways than ever you were like the family pet- huge, noisy,slept on the floor and kinda hairy. We gave you our mom and she accepted you and your brothers with open arms. We gave you our Beverly and for many years we thought you were married, actually you were but it was to getting high.
My greatest adventure ever was with you walking home, trying to hitch hike on the New Jersey Turnpike from Giants stadium.
Crossing a field to get there we came across a swamp. We sank in- up to our belts. It was a processed slime of chemicals, Hackensack river water, oil and fermenting mush. A smell I, nor the state trooper that picked us up on the side of the road will ever forget.
He had us. Nailed. “”It’s a 500 dollar fine for hitchhiking on the turnpike boys, you know that? Right?” And then he added “Each!”
Is Guess he was taking us in and then..until… “Whats that fucking smell!!!”
So he dropped us off outside exit 13 in Elizabeth and said get the fuck outta my car. If you want to hitchhike do it before the toll and not on the highway.

This was November 4, 1979. Roger Staubach rallied the Cowboys past the Giants with just two minuets left. It hurt. This game went thru our hearts like a pear. Giants were winning the entire game until the last seconds.
We were so drunk, disappointed and bewildered that we couldn’t find the car we came in in the parking lot. We were with several other dudes and now they were gone.
So I said Lets just walk home. It’s only four exits.
On November 4th 2019, exactly 40 years later I was sitting in the same seats, same two teams on the field, except my son Jonathan was sitting next to me. In the tailgate after the game I told him about getting stuck in the mud with Jonny-Boy. Exactly 40 years later…how life had changed.

Jonny Boy was a good man. Not just because he laughed at all my bad jokes but because he had a huge heart. He was a giant friendly black bear. Sure he liked to party but that was all everyone did back then. The last time I ever saw him he was living in Elizabeth right after 9/11. He told me that tons of people gathered on a dock in front of Newark Bay and they could see the catastrophic developments taking place on the New York City skyline. He told me the skies were filled with smoke and there were F-14’s zooming up and down the bay.

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Snowie The Most Beautiful Dog

Initial filming began in Botany Village June 2020. There were two scenes that involved police investigations. The "Train scene" in which "The Running Dude" runs across the railroad tracks before a train came had the train engineer call the police. Also the entire "Beach scene" where The Running Dude emerges from beneath the ocean and runs across the beach had the lifeguards called because the beach was supposed to be closed.
These two scenes and all the drone footage ended up on the editing room floor in Mount Tabor.
The major costume malfunction of The Running Dudes pants sliding down at every run scene was reluctantly left in. Trying to hide that by speeding up the scene on Premiere Pro didn't work.
Technical diffficulties with Movavi Video Editor plus was fixed by setting up an external scratch disk for the long rendering times. (it crashed three times) A spec of dust on the GoPro at the Palisades hiking trail called for a total redo. (which involved over one hour each way traveling time)

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Rascal (the rerelease 2020)

YouTube banned and removed this movie in 2009. This is the new release. 2020.
Try to stay awake for the POST-CREDITS SCENE.

After three months of back and forth arguments YouTube decided that my use of The Beatles song "GoodNight" was against feverous copyright laws and they removed the video from my account.
Technically if I was "making money" with my upload then it was illegal. At the time of the removal the video had 17 views and had produced zero dollars income for me.

This clip was made a long time ago, shortly after Brenda's death. It was Jonathans birthday and we had found a back parking lot in an industrial section of Perth Amboy to launch Estes rockets.
After YouTube played Big Bully and Dumb Ass and stole my fucking video )before I could download it) I had lost the original edits and files that I used to make this.
10 years later I randomly came across a DVD in storage titled "Rascal Stuff"
I invited everyone who starred in this movie and everyone responsible for filming it to a huge RERELEASE PARTY on a yacht off the coast of Costa Rico, complete with barbequed pig, steamed lobsters and a live set by the Dave Mathews Band but nobody, including myself showed up.

My first upload attempt August 6 2020 was once again BLOCKED by YouTube because of the Beatles song. I surrendered. I cut out "GoodNight" and put in a clip from the movie Vanilla Sky, the infamous rooftop ending scene. Penélope Cruz and Tom Cruise meet in a lucid dream and say goodbye.
The song titled The Nothing Song (Njosnavelin)
by Orri P. Dyrason, Kjartan Sveinsson, Jon Thor Birgisson and Georg Holm
Performed by Sigur Rós.
The story revolves around the main character not knowing whether he's in a state of reality, a dream or a nightmare, so I really related to this movie. Actually I loved it but hid it from the person I saw it with who thought it was a total waste of time.
The song has haunted me ever since I saw the movie and told myself I would use it perfectly one day. Today was that day. Fuck you Beatles and Fuck you YouTube.

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Patricia Ann Moon (Aunt Pat) Brothers Wife

Patricia Anne Moon, of Akron, passed away peacefully, surrounded by her family on June 14, 2020 at Danbury of Hudson.

Patti was a graduate of Cuyahoga Falls High School and Akron University, going on to retire as CFO of Allied-Baltic Rubber.

She will be remembered for her great love of animals, her kindness, and her love of family and friends. Her love of travel to all parts of the world and the years spent living in Mexico were some of her most enjoyable experiences. Patti was also a master bridge player and an excellent cook.

Patti was preceded in death by parents Bruce and Anne Myers of Silver Lake, OH.She is survived by her children, Deborah (Terry) Denmark of Akron, OH, James (Tammy Hackenberg) Gill of Doylestown, OH, and Melinda (James Johnston) Smith of Akron, OH; siblings, Larry (Elaine) Myers of Bluffton, SC and Al (Sharon) Myers of Naples, FL; grandchildren, Trisha (Greg) , Jeffrey, Krystal (Jesse) , Nicholle and Taylor; great-grandchildren, Kaylynn, Aubrey, Reed, Airyanna, AJ, Josef, and Teri; partner of 30 years, Lynda Barth, and many extended family members and friends.

The family wishes to extend special thanks to Marquetta (Pebbles) Corn, Scott Claypoole, Mandy Gerber, and Jeanette Scott for their love and dedication to Patti. In addition, the family would like to thank Danbury of Hudson and Hospice of Laurel Lake for their loving care.

Per her wishes, cremation has taken place and no services will be held. Memorial contributions, if desired, may be made in Patti’s honor to The Gill Family Scholarship in care of the Cuyahoga Falls Schools Foundation, 431 Stow Ave., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221, or Valley Animal Hospital, 1830 Merriman Rd., Akron, OH 44313.

And your life will be brighter than the noonday; it’s darkness will be like the morning. And you will feel secure because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in that security. Job 11

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I Am Henryk

I Am Henryk
based on a true story

A Screenplay by George Hartman


MUSIC: An elaborate electronic space sound. Smooth and as continuous as the moving camera’s journey to earth.

EXT: Deep in the universe, far from earth.

At first what seems to be complicated microscopic images of glowing, duplicating cells slowly pans out into the vast universe. The connection of deep space and deep inner microscopic “universe” is made.
Camera begins weaving its way thru an intricate pattern of yellow, glowing lights connected to a huge bright energy source (Sun). There are millions of points of light connected and communicating with each other.
Flight of camera changes direction and moves down from the points of light. It begins an elaborate downward spiral thru galaxies, planets, gases etc which eventually end up in the Milky and then then earth.
The cameras flight is like that of a swift bird of prey circling the earth and then dipping into the Pacific ocean and quickly gliding across the 3,000 mules of the United States. Gliding across mountains, cities, forests, desserts etc until it reaches New York City and lowers itself even more. It does a 360 around Manhattan and ending up doing a slow rotation around the Twin Towers.
After the opening credits roll the music fades into a bustling aggressive honking street scene.

INT: Lucyna’s kitchen

A small crowded Apartment in Queens New York September 2001. Henryk a strong Polish immigrant sits at a small breakfast table with his sister Lucyna eating a breakfast that she made.
He is a big strong man, unusually dark skinned for a Pole. He has a thick head of bushy black hair and wild black eyes to match.
Lucyna is a small humble woman with round glasses and her brown hair pulled back into a pony tail. She works two jobs and looks tired as she serves her brother bacon eggs and toast.

She pours a hot steaming cup of coffee that was on the table in front of her brother Henryk.

(In Polish)
Lucyna: (thru the steam) It is going to be a beautiful day, Henryk.
Henryk: Yes! It will be good weather to work in.

Lucyna: (sits down across from him) I worry about you Henryk.

Henryk: I am fine sister!

Lucyna: You work too hard. New York is a crazy place.

Henryk: (looking down at his plate) This is good bread sister! It is not American sponge bread. Where did you get this bread!
(looks up and bites bread)

Lucyna: Stop changing the subject Henryk! Please be careful out there. You know no English and New York is dangerous. You have a family waiting for you in Krakow…

Henryk: (interrupting) Thats why I am here! I work like pig and send money to my family to build house. This….. because of you Lucyna. I could not do this without you.

Lucyna: Ok my dear, ok. Just be careful. (stands up and starts collecting the dishes on the table)
Do you remember you English lesson Henryk?

Henryk: (frowns in disgust) Awwwww. It is such a baby language! Stupid.
Lucyna: I know it isn’t easy but you must learn if you are to stay here!
That is part of the agreement for you to stay with me remember?

Henryk: Awwww Lucyna!

Lucyna: (loud) What was yesterdays lesson?

Henryk: Awwww I don’t know!

Lucyna: Come on, you remember!

Henryk: (jumps up and starts to walk to the door) I have to go sister!

Lucyna: (stands in front of him and blocks the door) Henryk!

Henryk: His face resigns and he goes into deep thought. Ummmmmmmm….
(after a while, in broken English)
G-G-Good. Morn. Ing. S-S-Sir.

Lucyna: Yes. Henryk! Again!

Henryk: No.

Lucyna: (grabs his shoulders and looks up sternly into his face) Again!

Henryk: Good. M-Morning. Sir. (smiles) Good. Morning Sir!

Lucyna: Again!

Henryk: I have to go sister. I will be late!

Lucyna: Again!

Henryk: Good morning Sir. Good morning sir! Good morning sir!

Lucyna: (laughs)

Henryk:: Good morning sir! (smiles) I have to go! I was late yesterday and I never heard the end of it.

Lucyna: (hugs him) I have to go too. Be careful ok?

Henryk: (pulls away) Yes my dear. And thank you for everything!
(door closes)


INT: Subway Hallway -Day- Long Shot
Henryk is walking swiftly through a large crowd of rush hour commuters. There is a old street musician against the wall playing Sinatra’s “New York New York” with an accordion. It’s very loud and off-key. He looks up at a clock sticking out from the tiled subway wall and it reads 8:03.
He walks quicker, then begins a half jog. The crowd of commuters around him thickens greatly as they approach a narrow stairway.
There is pushing, cursing in all languages, grunting, and Henryk himself gets elbowed harshly in the arm. He probably would have fell over but being in the middle of the crowd keeps him up. As the crowd moves up the stairs with grunts, groans and farts the camera pans into Heryks face.

CLOSE UP of Henryks face.
His face is distorted and his eyes are distant, THE CAMERA pulls back and suddenly Henryk is back in Poland having a picnic with his wife and two children on the side of a stream with bright blue skies and puffy white clouds.

Commuter: Yo Man. (louder) Man. (screaming)Yo man MOVE!

As quickly as Henryk was in the meadow picnic, he is back in the crown. People are jamming into a subway for standing room only. Some people push by Henryk as the doors begin to close. He tries to be the last one in but a big black man pushes him out of the way and takes his place. The subway doors close in front of him.
Henryk gasps and looks at the man that took his place bewildered.
The man smiles and puts his middle finger on the subway window and smiles as it begins to pull away.
Henryk slowly turns around and looks at another clock surrounded by a wire cage on the wall; 8:16.

Henryk: O kurwa

The camera pulls out from Henryks disappointed face and goes up to show Hebryk standing on a dark dirty subway platform with about five other people that couldn’t fit in the train. One of them an older Spanish woman suddenly begins screaming. There are about five rats scurrying across the platform in front of everyone.

Woman: (in Spanish) Oh my god. Oh my god. Get away from me!

One of the rats actually breaks away from the pack and approaches her squeaking loudly.

Woman: backs away screaming) Oh my god. Oh my god. Help!

(still working Continued)

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The Fourth Wall

I’m allergic to all the moral corruption that has rained down upon me last few years (sneezes) and Ive become misanthropic. I used to hike in high north Jersey trails and now I drive past them. I used to ride my bike into golden Summer sunsets. Now I’m just fat. I used to write deep dark intelligent poems but now I’m happy.

“I’ll be back you son of a bitch!” I yelled at the blog, and really meant it!
But before I could turn around and revive my imagination forty-five thousand spam emails flooded the inbox. My doctor said you better GO to that referral and said fuck you I take 2000 milligrams of vitamin C a day.

My football team has lost their way, the dog died, Frank tried to kick us out so Kryha bought the place. As she was gathering all her money, loans and signatures she told me I’m a broke loser and that I just exists in life. Just loafing around waiting for tomorrow.
Last night, on the first day of the year 2020, I silenced all the Polish loud talk to make an announcement. NO. Kryha and I are NOT getting married but we did purchase a new mattress from Macys!

She tore down all the flowers and ripped up the gardens. She blew all the leaves into the street. The cold winds still slap the wind chimes and I can hear them buried under warm blankets two rooms away.
I started so many creative endeavors but the hard drive crashed.
The DNA’s of a thousand people sleep in the back seat of my car.

Gwendolyn: Are you going the right way?
Driver: I’m following the digital path thats been sent from space.
Gwendolyn: what??
Driver: I’m following the GPS. Rutherford. Union Ave.
Gwendolyn: yes. It doesn’t look right.
Driver: At this time of the day, the long shadows can create optical illusions.
Driver: My sister had a doll named Gwendolyn once, a long time ago. Maybe 40 years. She still has it on a shelf and brings it down for tea sometimes.* (looks up at rear view mirror)
You kinda look like her.
Gwendolyn: Your sister?
Driver: No. The doll.

*None of my sisters ever had a doll named Gwendolyn. Nor kept any dolls on a shelf after 40 years.

(no tip)

So … Yeah, I’m BACK. Amiright?

Posted in Krystina, seasons, Self Portrait, the beginning | 19,973 Comments

Family Icon

Perhaps the most iconic image in the family. Made the background of many photos taken in the house. An oil painting of Fredrick J. Gill, Westfield police department.
I have no idea who painted it, nor of the date it was created and the people that know this aren’t around anymore.

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wall murals seen

click to enlarge

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